Pure water

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Where to buy pure water for window cleaning?

Local pure water suppliers are closer than you think.

If you spot other window cleaners in your area, the chances are someone is already pufiying reverse osmosis water for their own business and are looking for other business owner that require pure water too.

Processing your pure water can be expenisve and space consuming for many so its very economical to buy pure water from exising businesses experienced in the managment and maintenance of reverse osmois water purification for window cleaning.

Connecting with these businesses in person or by cold calling a traditional way does not suit everyone so making a connection online is super easy.

Buy pure water connects businesses that want to sell water with those that want to buy.

Useing the Find location feature you can your most local pure water supplier.

Select your closest location and drop them an email or a call to start an account with your most local pure water window cleaning suppluer. Some accounts are created in the same day and offer some of the BEST prices in the industry.

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Where to buy pure water for window cleaning
  • Pure water window cleaning

    Pure Water is commonly used for window cleaning. The process to get ultra pure Reverse Osmosis water is mechanical where your ordinary tap water under pressure is pushed through a series of filters and membranes with tiny gaps in. This All the minerals in the water that would leave spot marks if used for window cleaning are grabbed by these filters and resins so all that is left it nothing but H2O, ultra pure water perfect for window cleaning.

    So you have probably been on the search for pure water for window cleaning? Right...

    BuyPureWater allows you to find suppliers related to purifiying water closed to you using the hand search function. So if your a window cleaners and your looking for you nearest other small local business where you can find a location to get a top up a little closer to home that great, click the locations tab and find your nearest pure water filling location. 

    Maintaining the quality of the purification is the most vial component when processing your own water for window cleaning. Many business small when just starting up and also large successful businesses choose to use an external pure water supplier who can manage and provide purified water in the most efficent and cost effective manner.

    So what should you be looking out for when choosing your supplier so you can carry our pure water window cleaning?

    The water must be purifed to 0.00 PPM. This is short for Parts per million and is a way of measing the bits and bobs floating around in the water. Some of the smallest Parts in the water cannot be seen by the human eye... So how do we know its pure then? 

    TDS meters are used on Reverse Osmosis systems for pure water window cleaning to measure the Total Disolved Solids withing the water. A professional water supplier will be able to give you a measurement using one of these meters that will let you know just how pure your water is. This purified water can also be called Demineralised water and is perfect for us window cleaners. 

    Testing your water each time after filling up can be a wise thing to do. The TDS meters are pretty cheap and can cost around £15 from amazon so you can be sure when your using your closest suppliers your getting the best water you can get... But remember, if you have spots on the glass after clean windows its sometimes down to technique not the quality of the water :)

    For existing window cleaners who are processing their own water. check existing suppliers for Reverse Osmosis systems, replaement resins and membranes for your purification system using the seach function on the Locations page. Even now things are moving online its still great to have a real in personal connection with your suppliers . As window cleaners ourselves we like the personal touch to!

    Buy and support you're nearest and local Pure Water Supplier.

  • Who are spotless Water

    Spotless water changed the window cleaning industry forever! 

    With a super innovate approach and hands on understanding of the window cleaning industy, they seeked an investment from blackfinch investments in 2016 to help with the roll out of pure water filling stations across the UK and have successfully created the UK first pure water filling network. With a £550k investment spotless water have created a national network spanning much of the UK.

    Their process allow each user to be able to buy directly from one of their filling stations using a either an RFID tag once an account has been set up. Or buy directly using a debit or credit card. Just like is availble at many UK petrol filling stations... But you guessed it, for pure water window cleaning! Genius idea, Bravo! 

    The benift of using a network like this is that you can have one account with spotless water and then use anyone of their pure water locations across the network. This can be a brilliant solition for many window cleaning businesses. Especially the larger businesses who understand that time is money. So lets say you run out of pure water mid job, its sometime more time and cost effective to use a pure water supplier. Spotless water are currently the biggest provider of pure water for window cleaning in the United Kingdom with ambitions of entering into the United States of America.

    So, how much does spotless water cost? Their prices start from 3.5p + VAT or 4.2p per Litre if you are a business that is not VAT registered. There are many locations across very popular and busy location in the UK where fining pureified water for window cleaning is tricky. So these prices to vary based on the location. 

    Spotless water near me? To find your nearest location visit www.spotlesswater.co.uk, they have a search function just like on here. Their network only list their locations within their network. Unfortunatly we do not currently have these location appearing on our directory but would love to add them in the future so would love to add this feature soon to help create the largest pure water directory. 

  • Window cleaning kit

    Looking through all the equipment there is to offer, you might be overwhelmed with all the window cleaning kit there is available for you to buy! We have created a directory not only for a place to buy pure water but find suppliers of all things window cleaning. From buying pure water, to supplies for your water purification system to trational window cleaning stockkits too!

    So when your first staring out your window cleaning business there's not much equipment that needed to get you going. All thats required equipment wise is a squeege, mop AKA applicator, a few dry scrim cloths and and bucket of water with a cleaning solution added... Of course there is the technique that needs to be learnt on how to actially clean the windows but regarding equipment thats all thats really neaded as a bare minimum if your cleaning internal windows or ground floor windows. This type of entry level set up will allow you to clean shop fronts on your local high street. 

    As business progresses youll have a need to reach those hard to access windows. This is where a good sturdy A frame ladder is perfect for trational windowcleaning. 

    You'll be able to find theses supplies through our directory of suppliers who specifically cater to traditional window cleaning supplies.

    Water Fed Pole Window Cleaning is where things get intersting. this method is only suitable for exterior window cleaning but is the most efficent and effective method most would argue. Although this is not a silver bullet! On homes after construction the trational hand detailing is often needed to help remove plaster, mortar and silicones that are commonly found on new built homes. Dont let people convince your that water fed pole window cleaning is perfect for this type of cleaning! Theres a method for each problem you'll face as a window cleaner. The best thing is to get started and learn as you go... But if someone can show you the ropes that even better! 

    In order to clean windows using the WFP your window cleaning systmem must be pumping water that is 100% pure using the process of reverse osmosis as water mentioned earlier in this page. Many businesses starting out still have their trational window cleaning kit in their vans but 95% of their exterior cleaning will be completed using the more modern method of pure water window cleaning.

    A barrier that many new businesses face when entering into water fed pole window cleaning is the extra added cost involved in this method. It often requires a complete window cleaning system to be installed into a van, telescopic window cleaning poles and brush heads to be bought too. A complete 500L pure water window cleaning system alone starts from aproximately £2500 for an entry level system going all the way to £10,000 if options of hot water is added, extra window cleaning hose reels and storage racks to. For the most professional setups hot water systems are often desired for commercial window cleaning projects. The added hot water systems help speed up cleaning and can often deliver a higher qualitly clean that is especailly needed when cleaning those higher and harder to reach windows and glass on apartment block and offices where the cleaning can be very physically demanding without the help of the heated water. 

    If you are looking to start your window cleaning business and are on the look out for equipment, search our directory and find a supplier near to you. If its available to visit your supplier and build up a relationship, discuss your best option and find a solution that suits your budget when making an investment into pure water window cleaning. 

  • Whats Pure Water?

    The process to get pure water can be acheived through a mechanical process. Commonly for commercial pure water production water goes through a process knowm as reverse osmosis.

    Water is mechanical pushed through a series of filters and membranes with tiny gaps in under low pressure. These filters and membranes trap the minerals in the water resulting in untra pure water. 

    The water that make it though the fulters is pure. But knowing is the water is pure by eye is impossible to check. To veryift the purity of the water a TDS meter is needed. This simple devise measures the parts per million in the water. 

    For most industrial cases including window cleaning. a TDS reading of 0.00TDS is perfect for us and many other industries including car detailing.

  • What is pure water window cleaning?

    The process of window cleaning using a brush to agitate the organic dust off external glass and UPVC frame with a soft bristled brush. 

    Then once completly clean, rinsing the window with purified water so that when clean effectively will leave windows that are completly streak free. 

    If you have ever cleaned windows the tradional way using a mop and squeegee it can a slow process. 

    Pure water window cleaning using a method known as water fed pole window cleaning. Pure water is the key component here. Using tap water will not work and will leave steaks and spotting marks on your glass.

    Water purification equipment can be costly and require alot of space for storage. For many businesses it is a better option to buy water from a third party company. Visit our local directory to buy purification equipment or pure water so you can get to window cleaning right away

  • How pure water is made?

    Pure water is made in a number of ways. Commerically the most popular way is using a process known as reverse osmosis. This is by pushing contaminated water through a series of fillers and resins. The reverse osmosis process happen in 3 steps

    • Pre filter the starting water. This can be tap water which can range from 40-400TDS reading. This pre filter is to remove the most heavy minerals, loose stones and sand that may be visable by the eye.
    • Membranes. This is a fine mesh filter that water particles under pressure pass through. The membrane catches the contaminants and are push away from the filter leaving only the are further purified water...
    • Nearly pure water is present, this water is passed through a resin to remove chlorine and sulfur. The ion exchange media is an integral part of a water refining system since it works as the sole water softening agent. To do this, small resin beads are used to attract hardness causing ions and replace them with harmless sodium ions leaving water measuring a 0.00TDS pure water.
  • Where to buy pure water?

    Search our directory to find your nearest pure water selling location. 

  • How to make pure water

    You can make pure warer using a reverse osmois water purification system. 

    There are suppliers listed on the buy pure water directerory who can help with the equipment needed to set up your own water purification system 

    Or supplier on the directory that sell pure water directly to you. 

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